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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

CONCORDIA - Cyber Security Competence for Research and Innovation

CONCORDIA - Cyber Security Competence for Research and Innovation - is a major H2020 consortium to interconnect Europe’s Cybersecurity capabilities. It will establish a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network to provide technological, societal and policy leadership for Europe and will lead the development of a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe. The EU-wide consortium involves prominent industry, academia, SMEs and especially national cyber security centers.


CONCORDIA is a four-year multi-disciplinary research and innovation project, and will play a leadership role in boosting the effectiveness of EU’s security union. The project, started in January 2019, is coordinated by the Research Institute CODE from the Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany and involves 46 partners in total.


CONCORDIA will help Europe strengthen its security capabilities and to secure its digital society, economy and the fundamental data society’s principles for both security and privacy. CONCORDIA adopts an inclusive approach, fostering a wide alliance spanning Europe’s research, industry and public sectors, and including key professionals from a variety of fields.

The project will be a fundamental instrument for promoting excellent research, market innovation, skill building, and a research roadmap for cybersecurity in Europe. In this context, the vision of CONCORDIA is to create a community, building bridges, and setting the foundations for strong cooperation between all stakeholders.

The Communication Systems Group CSG of the Department of Informatics IfI at the University of Zurich UZH leads within CONCORDIA Work Package WP4 the Task 4.3 on "Economic Perspectives". Additionally, the CSG's expertise in Blockchains will be embedded to study and support DDoS mitigation mechanisms, cryptographic solutions on IoT devices, application-data security visualizations to identify and compare incidents (Forensic Visualizations), and operate a blockchain usage for CONCORDIA certificates.

The EU budget contribution is 16 M€ with a 7 M€ additional funding contributed by national authorities and industry.

CONCORDIA uses Twitter at @concordiah2020, LinkedIn at CONCORDIA Project, and Facebook via

