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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

CSG Highly Successful at the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), October 4-7, 2021, Edmonton, Canada, on-line: a Full Paper, the Best Demo Award, and two Short papers

The "Analysis and Classification of Cyberattack Traffic using the SecGrid Platform" demo paper by Jan von der Assen, Muriel Franco, Bruno Rodrigues, and Burkhard Stiller of the Communication Systems Group CSG at the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), October 4-7, 2021, Edmonton, Canada, on-line was awarded the Best Demo Award!

46th LCN 2021 Best Demo Award
46th LCN 2021 Best Demo Award


Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks remain a notorious threat to businesses and governments. As defense mechanisms and investments therein were extended, the dynamics of attacks have adapted accordingly. Not only have attacks gained in frequency and size, but the underlying attack vectors have also evolved. Thus, there is a need for capable tooling that allows researchers, operators, and decision-makers to obtain insights into the behavioral aspects of attacks and their impacts. Such tooling needs to be able to keep up with the dynamic nature and with strong scalability requirements. In this demonstration, the SecGrid platform is introduced to facilitate traffic analysis and visualization of volumetric data. Using the SecGrid’s engine, a range of applications from behavioral visualization, impact estimation, or ML-based attack classification are enabled.

All these demonstration-related aspects had been backed by the LCN 2021 full paper on "SecGrid: a Visual System for the Analysis and ML-based Classification of Cyberattack Traffic" by Muriel Franco, Jan von der Assen, Luc Boillat, Christian Killer, Bruno Rodrigues, Eder J. Scheid, Lisandro Granville, and Burkhard Stiller, which was presented by Muriel. Both of these publications, the full paper and the demo paper acknowledge the Horizon 2020 Concordia Project under the Grant Agreement No. 830927.

Furthermore, the CSG had presented at LCN 2021 two short papers entitled "LaFlector: a Privacy-preserving LiDAR-based Approach for Accurate Indoor Tracking" by Bruno Rodrigues, Lukas Müller, Eder J. Scheid, Muriel F. Franco, Christian Killer, and Burkhard Stiller, which was presented by Bruno acknowledging the PasWITS Project of the Swiss Agency for Innovation Demands under Grant No. 42193.1 IP-ICT, as well as the second one entitled "Python-Based TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks" by Eryk Schiller, Ramon Huber, and Burkhard Stiller, which had been presented by the CSG's Bachelor student Ramon in his first ever IEEE conference and acknowledging the Horizon 2020 Concordia Project under the Grant Agreement No. 830927 again.
