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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

Tiny Devices Tutorial

The tutorial entitled “Two-way Authentication for Tiny Devices” was held on April 15, 2015 in front of SG 17 at ITU in Geneva by Corinna Schmitt initiated at a meeting in November 2014 at ITU. The tutorial covered topic and solutions developed under the umbrella of the external liaison with EU project FLAMINGO: Overview of research in authentication for tiny devices, application area, UZH's developed solutions TinyDTLS and TinyTO, and lessons learned. The audience was highly impressed of the solutions that are standard-based and allow supporting two-way authentication on constraint devices like sensor nodes (e.g., TelosB, OPAL). Discussions raised on what can be a common definition for constraint devices where ITU lacks in, and how key management is performed or should be standardized.

For external liaisons purposes the meeting was successful in order to continue standardization efforts under ITU in the SG 17 addressing security issues, especially Questions 5 and 11.
