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Department of Informatics - Communication Systems Group

Y.FNsocioeconomic Consented During ITU-T Study Group 13 Meeting

Today, July 18, 2014, the ITU-T Study Group 13 (SG13) finally consented the Recommendation Y.FNsocioeconomic during its closing plenary. Last week the document was refined finally through changes by the Question 16/13 chairman and Patrick Poullie. Patrick serves as the UZH as well as SmartenIT and FLANINGO representative, who attended the SG13 meetings since 2011, and was working with Corinna Schmitt and Burkhard Stiller to provide key input, major guidelines, and the editorship of this recommendation.

The Recommendation Y.FNsocioeconomic is aimed at the *Socio-economic Assessment of Future Networks by Tussle Analysis" and was developed within ITU-T’s Q16/13. The document's development was initiated within ITU-T’s Q21/13 in 2011 by the SESERV project (whith major contributions from Martin Waldburger and Costas Kalogiros, too) to raise the awareness of socio-economic factors in the Future Internet landscape and to standardize tussle analysis as a tool to deal with these factors.

While the full document is expected to have passed the final ITU-T procedures in two months from now upon which it will be released to the public, further details are available now at
