
MAC Address randomization

State: completed by Fabian Kuenzler
Published: 2020-07-29

This thesis demands, at an initial stage, to acquire the conceptual elements that are involved in the proposal (i.e., Wi-Fi 802.11 protocol family and Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE), as well as to understand the baseline concepts of MAC addresses at the layer device-link layer, and randomization strategies, which shall be covered during the background and related work research. The expected outcome is that one understands the necessary background to accomplish the objectives and obtain a global vision of the required activities in order to list and organize these activities in a timeline.

At a second stage, two different challenges are expected to be tackled: one focusing on the engineering aspect, and the other on the research aspect. The research aspect involves the issues related to identifying strategies (to identify devices based on existing approaches) and solutions to tackle the MAC randomization based on up to date mobile devices. The engineering aspect require clear engineering skill in order to put into practice those research elements, which may reveal complex aspects due to its research nature. In specific, the engineering aspect would require a basic notion of cloud computing and its computing modules toward. Thus, one should study, evaluate and propose solutions capable of satisfying the goal and implement the proposal if the solution is within the time limit defined for the thesis. In this regard, this subject shall be discussed during periodical meetings with the advisor to examine the feasibility of the proposal.

The third and last stage involves the development, evaluation and documentation, which are inherent aspects of the thesis. Based on the design decisions listed on the second stage, these features shall be integrated and evaluated in a system in a modular fashion. The working prototype should consist on a component able to be interfaced with other modules, and produce results to be contrasted with the thesis goals. Also, during this stage decision on how to best implement and evaluate those design decisions shall be made during meetings with supervisors. A final report should include a motivation and problem description, background information, related work, design decision, implementation details, evaluation and conclusions.

30% Design, 50% Implementation, 20% Documentation
Networking and python programming skills

Supervisors: Dr. Bruno Rodrigues

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