
A Service Recommender System for Protection from Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

State: completed by Erion Sula
Published: 2019-02-21

The task of this bachelor thesis is to design and develop a recommender system for off-site network protection services. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the main attributes of the involved actors (attackers, victims, protection services, and the recommendation mechanism) as well as the relationship of these actors in use cases. To reach this goal, this thesis will require that the student initially >acquire the basic knowledge of concerning DDoS literature (types of attacks), types of defense to determine the attributes of the involved entities in the modeling. Once the basic concepts were acquired, creating an initial understanding of attack and defense scenarios, different use cases shall be determined to simulate scenarios in which the service recommender system can act. Once the actors were modeled and the use cases defined, the system has to be implemented to simulate these use cases and to show, through evaluations in different situations, the effectiveness of the proposed system to recommend protection services.

30%, 60% Implementation, 10% Documentation
Programming skills, Computer networks basics, Cybersecurity basics

Supervisors: Muriel Figueredo Franco

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