
Design and Implementation of a Smart Contract Application

State: completed by Florian Schuepfer
Published: 2016-11-07

Setting up a standard paper contract requires manual steps: 1) documenting the identity of two sides. 2) exact explanation of whatever is exchanged. 3) signing a paper contract to be an undeniable piece of evidence for both sides.

In this project main goal is applying “blockchain” technology to overcome all of the paper work. An application is going to be developed in which, standard contracts (selling contract, renting contract, subscription contract) can be setup between two sides in a few minutes. To do this, understanding the current legal situation will be crucial as the identity management is going to be implemented by block chains in this framework.


Additional Information:

This application will get all the information from both sides to create a valid contracts without need for paper work and manual signatures. User identification can be obtained using Internet or using a dedicated device. The latter, depends on the result of research mentioned in the section Tasks.  

Communication with devices issued by e.g., "SuisseId" [2] that can offer qualified identities might be a part of this project if the qualified identity is necessary to make smart contracts in this application.

This application must provide a dynamic and flexible plugin/extension architecture for future improvements which also includes a detailed documentation of those.


[1] http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/introduction-to-smart-contracts.html

[2] https://www.suisseid.ch

20% Design, 70% Implementation, 10% Documentation
Developing Android Applications, Smart Contracts, Blockchains

Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Bocek, Sina Rafati

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