
Scalability Improvements of a Blockchain Design for IoT Data Streams

State: completed by Raphael Beckmann
Published: 2019-02-19

In this thesis based on the previous researches of CSG, a practical exploration among i.e., scalability enhancements of an already developed BC called Bazo will be taken into action. The latest steps towards design and development of a blockchain for IoT data streams was installing sharding method in the system, which enhanced the scalability of the system by increasing the transaction validation rates per second. However, in this thesis, other possibilities will be investigated to push the limits of this system further.  With this thesis, students will have the chance to work on Blockchain in depth and not just in the application layer! 

Requirements Analysis 20-30%, System Design 30-40%, Implementation 30-60%, Documentation 10%
Go programming language

Supervisors: Sina Rafati

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